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Over $4,200,000 in airdrops discovered for users


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Founded in the EU. We respect your privacy.
100% Anonymous and secure

We made it simple

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The best airdrop checker and tracker.

Tracking 62 of the most recent crypto airdrops, with more constantly being added to the checker.

Claim Airdrops safely.

See which Airdrops you are eligible for and claim them via verified, official links.

No need to connect a wallet.

Just enter any crypto wallet address from the supported networks. Wallet connection is never required.

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Never miss Airdrops again

7+ networks.

Watch and track all your wallet addresses accross multiple supported networks.

Stay up to date on Telegram.

Receive Telegram alerts for new Airdrops when one of your addresses becomes eligible.

Privacy is our priority.

We never share user data with third parties. All eligibility checks are proxied, and your wallet addresses are not linked to each other.

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As a premium user, you can track all your addresses across networks, ensuring you never miss future Airdrops.
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  • See all eligible Airdrops
  • Get your personal referral link
  • Telegram alerts
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  • See all eligible Airdrops
  • Telegram alerts
  • No ads
  • Cancel anytime


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All E-beggar features plus:

  • See all eligible Airdrops
  • Telegram alerts
  • No ads
  • Cancel anytime

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know


Airdrops are a marketing strategy in the cryptocurrency world where blockchain projects distribute free tokens to the community to promote awareness and adoption. These tokens are often given to users who complete specific tasks, such as onchain activities or joining a community group.

Airdrops can be profitable for protocol users as they receive free tokens that may increase in value over time, providing a direct financial benefit.

If you have active wallets or addresses on any of the supported blockchains/networks, you might be eligible for Airdrops!

Qualifying for airdrops through onchain activities involves engaging directly with a blockchain's ecosystem by performing specific tasks that demonstrate active participation and support. These activities can include trading, staking, or holding a particular cryptocurrency, interacting with decentralized applications (dApps), providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs), or participating in governance votes.

By consistently engaging in these onchain activities, users not only contribute to the network's growth and stability but also position themselves as active members of the community, often making them eligible for airdrops. These onchain actions are verifiable through the blockchain, ensuring that the rewards are distributed to genuine and engaged users.

Drops makes it easy to check your eligibility for airdrops by monitoring your wallet addresses across multiple networks. Saving your addresses, you can receive real-time notifications on Telegram when you qualify for airdrops, ensuring that you can claim your airdrop before it expires, so you never miss out on free tokens.


We've made it simple. Just enter any crypto wallet addresses, and Drops will instantly check your eligibility for all recent and verified airdrops. It will also run automatic background checks for new airdrops. If you're eligible, you'll get a notification on Telegram.

Drops (previously called "") is the most advanced airdrop checker, automatically finding unclaimed crypto airdrops for you. Track and monitor all your wallet addresses across multiple networks like Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos, Aptos and Bitcoin, Telegram alerts on eligibility, and never miss an airdrop again.

See the full list on Airdrops page

With a Telegram account. Click "Log in" and follow the instructions.

Every user gets a unique referral link. Share it with your friends and earn 10% of their subscription fee. See the referrals page for more details.

You can find us on Telegram and X (Twitter)

Privacy & Security

We chose Telegram for its security and privacy features. It allows you to log in without sharing your email or phone number with us, and you can receive alerts when you become eligible for new airdrops. We never have access to your Telegram account data.

Unlikely. All eligibility check requests are routed (proxied) through our servers and are not linked to your account in any way. However, Drops is not intended for sybil attacks and strive to maintain strong relationships and communication with the protocols we support to provide a best possible service, while ensuring user privacy is never compromised!

Yes, it is safe. We never share your data with any outside project or individual. We respect your privacy and operate under the GDPR regulation in the EU. For more details, see our Privacy policy.

Never. We never share user data. User privacy is our top priority. For more details, see our Privacy policy.

Billing & Payments

ETH and many stablecoin options on multiple chains. You can opt in to automatic billing, or email invoices.

Yes. Our payment provider is Boomfi from the UK. See their legal pages

Yes, you can cancel anytime. If you cancel and have added more than 1 addresses, you will only see the first 1 addresses and won't receive notifications for any airdrops to the other addresses. This will remain until you subscribe again.

You can simply subscribe to premium again. All the addresses you have added and Airdrops you are eligible become visible again after.


Sometimes there are changes on how the protocols do the eligibility checks. We are usually quick to fix it in the background. No action is needed from you.

If you have any other issues or questions, join our Telegram community and ask there. We are happy to help!

1 Airdrop expiring in the next 7 days